160mc – evaluation


One of the biggest positives was the teamwork in our group, I felt that everyone was committed to the cause and we were all willing to volunteer to take certain roles. Having worked in a lot of groups previously I really liked the dynamic in this one as it wasn’t that big and there weren’t any slackers.

Everyone had different contributions, Abbey and Victoria were organised, Farai was very creative coming up with many ideas and Misal, Alex and myself were more practical. I felt like there was a good balance within the group.

We were always trying to think out of the box and not try to go for a conventional presentation. Furthermore, I feel that our idea was also unique since we brought in the Instagram idea. We also went for the whole ‘Scandal’ style presentation using conventions from that show as we introduced the victim and try to find clues as they do in the show. I feel that this style of presenting was a more fun and engaging style of presenting.

Every time we met up we were productive and got a lot of things done. Most of our meetings was at the hub where we all would have big ideas that  developed the story further. In addition to that, although we procrastinate a few times we spent a lot of time discussing plans mostly taking hours. This allowed us to make the most of the meetings that we had.



Though we did have long meeting I feel that we should have had more looking back now. We did stall this project as we had to complete a 72 hour documentary and it worked as an obstacle in a way. However, we did only finish it in 72 hours so we still could have met up and further develop the story towards the end of the week.

Another weakness I felt is that we rehearsed for the presentation really late. We met up the night before and developed the script and did a run through. The following day (day of presenting) we agreed to meet 2 and a half hours before but ended up meeting 1 and half hour before. This meant that we didn’t have a lot of time to fully learn the script although we felt we performed it well. In there future we will have to be more prepared as it could result in us failing in future projects.



had we had more meeting we would be more likely to develop more ideas and create a better character. Since we’re paying a lot of money to do this course we could try harder to maximise our final grades and we could start by meeting up more and creating more high quality work. Also if we had planned the rehearsal earlier and done it in more days then we would have most likely got a higher percentage. If we spent more time developing the script for the presentation and practiced it better then perhaps we would get a higher mark.



Not meeting enough in the future will likely result in us not getting the grades that we hope for and in the future I will try and organise more as it will help in future projects.


160mc – production log



Basically we got some filming done of our stalker stalking Taylor India Johnson, and audio of Taylor calling the police after the stalker breaks into her house. But firstly lets rewind 1 week before all this. To create a story where Taylor disappears I had the idea of introducing another character in a meeting we had at the hub on 11/11/2015. When I suggested this everyone seemed interested but then Victoria had a eureka moment and came up with the idea of a stalker. This guy is basically in all of Taylors pictures in the background and follows her. We felt really intrigued by this since it’s very creepy. This then led from one idea to another. We started producing the police report, restraining order and even found potential actors. As I’m apparently creepy the group chose me to be the stalker which is absurd! But then luckily for me we turned to Alex who took that role and performed it well.


In regards to the actresses we had a few options since Victoria found a few. However Farais’ friend Uva suited the character that we created well, only problem being that she had a Latvian accent however we didn’t feel it would be much of an issue.

We also had plane tickets to show her traveling which was created by Abbey using photoshop, she also included train tickets she has used going home. Furthermore, I completed the Police and Alex created the restraining order along with receipts showing that she likes shopping.


With the filming we shot scenes of Alex following Uva around and we switched camera roles around between myself, Farai, Victoria and Abbey. We then went to Victorias’ house to film the vlog of Taylor India talking about herself. This we felt would create a sense of realism as vlos are documenting peoples real lives. We also recorded the audio

160mc – production log


I have now had Instagram for 5 weeks and only have 30 followers. Taylor India Johnson on the other hand has 300 followers, only in the space of 2 days! So we met up at the library and instantly began working on her Instagram where Misal uploaded images and bought fake likes for each individual photo. In this meeting we also acknowledged that our cabinet of curiosities must include someone going missing. But before we started delving deep into the story we had to fully understand the character. We have created her name but we needed to know what she looked like, what she likes, her hobbies, her history and her mental state. We previously established that she’s superficial and from a wealthy background. Also we established that her dad was someone who travelled around the world a lot so he would be in the army. Next thing that we needed to know was the physical details such as height, hair color and eye colour and Abbey had already written down details regarding her appearance.

We uploaded more photos from Misals phone and she bought fake likes, soon after that Taylor Profile rapidly started receiving followers left, right centre!

So after having a long debate about religion we decided to get back into the topic. We delved deeper into her character and her hobbies and reviewed what each of our cabinet of curiosities. Missal bringing in the hat as it’s a a symbol of insecurity. This has caused Taylor India Johnson to try and seek validation using social media. Furthermore, because she travels around a lot she doesn’t have many friends because she can’t settle anywhere.

160mc – production log


We all met up to discuss our individual cabinet of curiosities to each other so we could develop our character and everything came about rather well. Abbey started off with hers as she brought out a Bible as she is religious and a book about depression, this helped us construct our character into someone who suffers from emotional problems and we tried to think about it in a deep way. Farai presented his collections next which included an award for Diva of the year which inspired us to turn our character into a diva-ish person. followed by me where I told everyone how I
collect different currencies whenever I go abroad. From there we thought that maybe the character could be a person who likes to travel and show off it to people but still suffers from emotional problems. Other members of our group like Misal, Victoria and Alex also presented their cabinet of curiosities. Misal previously showed us her hats the week prior and that links to insecurities as hats could be used to either hide hair or forehead for example. Victoria had postcards from different countries which shows that our character travels and is into art. Alex had a climbing chalk bag which shows she’s adventurous and out going. So our character living an adventuro
us and exciting lifestyle as well as suffering from insecurities and depression, it was Farais’ idea to have a Instagram famous person thats always seeking approval from the internet world. We then created an Instagram account and decided to call our character Taylor India Johnson because it sounds like a bourgeois name and the character in our heads is that. We agreed to meet again on the 5th on Wednesday.